S Ta Te oF Na Tu Re

This week we continue our study of the Roots of our Republic and Applying Knowledge to New Situations.  We viewed the scene from The Lion King that depicts Mufasa’s death. Respond to the following question by leaving a comment or respond to a previous comment to get a discussion going.  How does this scene depict Read More…

F ReeLaND versus LaWLaND

We started our Civics unit by exploring “HoW We GoT HeRe.”   The Enlightenment opened our journey and we will discover the KeY To JoHN LoCKe and the roots of our republic.  Check out our slideshow and make pop culture connections on our latest wall below. dO wE nEEd A gOvErnmEnt? View more presentations from bkind2animals. Read More…

Avatar Me!

Student Blogging Challenge #2 Create an avatar to use when leaving comments. Read this post about avatars. This Edublogger post gives easy directions to create an avatar and many options. Let us know if you find a historical person avatar.  I think you may find them at historicalpersonavatarsarethecoolest.com… or… maybe not:o) Once you create your Read More…

ARe You UP To THe CHaLLeNGe?

The Student Blogging Challenge is ON & we need your help answering ANY or ALL of the following questions.  Please be specific and use support statements. CHALLENGE 1 Why is OUR blog interesting? What will WE be posting about? What could OTHERS learn from reading OUR blog? What will they learn from reading your posts? Read More…


Review the slideshow below and check our vodpod widget for the video clips that stimulated discussion. WHY HiSTORY MATTeRS View more presentations from bkind2animals. GOT PoP CuLTurE? Click “post a sticky” and double click anywhere on the wall.

Cyber Safety…Tim & Moby Style

This past week we devoted time for lessons on digital citizenship and security.  Tim and Moby from BrainPOP guided our tour of digital citizenship, digital etiquette, and cyber-safety. Students identified actions they may take to stay safe online.  For example, YouTube has a safety mode that will eliminate exposure to objectionable content.  Confused? Watch the Read More…

Habits of Mind 2.0

Welcome to 8th grade Social Studies Class of 2011! We’ve enjoyed meeting and introducing you to the Habits of Mind.  The Habits of Mind act as an “Internal Compass” for effective problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and questioning (Costa). Teams generated excellent connections during discussions.  Examples of people/groups/characters that model specific HOM include: Persistence – Percy Jackson, Read More…

Stickies and Glogs and Blogs OH MY!

7 SIG Seniors, You’ve WON! Your dedication paid off with recognition from Edublogs. Your use of digital tools is commendable and you should be proud! Check out our badge below. It belongs to YOU! This is so much better than winning the brain bowl or the mini-olympics:) Custom Glitter Text