Dear Mr. Reza Sayah…

In our lesson, “Don’t Shoot the Messenger,” students examined similarities and differences between John Peter Zenger and his modern day counterparts. By studying the words and deeds of John Peter Zenger, students furthered their study of Freedom of the Press and made connections to modern day journalists, Danny Pearl and Reza Sayah.

Additionally, Reza Sayah’s report on Shirin Ebadi supported students’ analysis of the cause and effect relationship between events. His report demonstrated the significance of heroes and their commonalities of character. The question, “How is Shirin Ebadi similar to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence?” allowed students to recognize patterns throughout history and the strength of character of historical and modern day heroes.

We would be honored to interview Reza Sayah via skype or in person. Please help our cause and respond to the following questions by leaving a comment.

What did Reza Sayah’s investigative report, “Karachi Kids,” teach us about fact-finding?

What evidence did Reza Sayah compile in his investigation?

A congressman, a news station, and a documentary film producer failed to fact check. How were the Karachi Kids put at risk?

Please watch Joe’s persuasive letter to Reza Sayah, CNN Correspondent, and add to the discussion by posting a comment explaining why Mr. Sayah should skype or meet with your class.

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