132 thoughts on “CONSTITUTION DAY…

  1. I chose the phrase “whose in charge of this country so vast and large” because i think it means who is the person in the 3 branches of government has the final say of our very large country. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check punctuation and capitalization.)

  2. I chose this song lyric, “Well, as you see each give each other challenges”. It means that they all balance each other. They all do different things but all together they work well together.

  3. I selected this lyric from the song: ‘What about the Congress? They make laws and bills.’ This means the people grouped in the Congress makes decisions together to build laws and bills and pass it to the president to make it happen.

  4. I chose this lyric “They give each other challenges, and check on each other” This means all 3 branches share the power equally, and help each other.

  5. i chose “check the balance check, check the balance” i think this means even though they run into problems but they all check each others work (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.)

  6. “Its the president in the white house that makes sure all the rules are carried out” I like this quote because it mean the president makes sure the rules and laws are carried out and go through (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check punctuation and capitalization.)

  7. I really liked the video. The rap was really good and I learned allot about the three branches. I really liked the phrase who’s got the power, It was very catchy and now its got me thinking who really does have the most power. It shows that all three branches have equal power. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check spelling, capitalization, and include your class period.)

  8. I selected the lyric “Supreme Court always has final say.” I think this lyric means even if the President and the Congress make a law or rule, the supreme court can reverse the rule. Although the Congress and President get all of the fame and are the more well known, the Supreme Court have the majority of the power.

  9. I selected the lyric ” Not one, not two, but three branches”. The meaning of it is that there is three branches of government. It also means that all of the branches are important. They all play an important part in running the government. The government won’t run the same or as good without the other.

  10. The Lyrics: who’s got the power, who’s in charge, in this very vast world? I think this means that nobody really knows who is in charge because they’re all checking and balancing each other making sure that nobody tips the balance in the 3 branches.

  11. “who’s got the power” made me think about how all 3 branches share power. No one truly has complete control of everything. They have balance, because each branch has a job. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check capitalization.)

  12. I selected the lyric congress impeach a judge. Impeach means to charge with crime. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check spelling and punctuation.)

  13. I chose “The President staying in the White House making sure our country’s rules get carried out.” It means the President is in the white house making sure everyone follows the laws. I chose this because it explains one the branches and what it does. It will help me remember.

  14. lyrics: he can be the 1 who picks the new supreme court justices.
    He can take any bill the congress wrote up and veto that bill.
    veto means disagree and get rid of it.
    the president can chose the supreme court members or justices (Teacher note: Don’t forget to include your class period, check spelling and capitalization.)

  15. My favorite line in the video was who’s got the power. I liked this because It makes the point of the whole video. Last because that line was argued about the whole time so it was important. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to include your class period.)

  16. The line i chose was ” They gave each other challenges. ” All three are different. I think this means they give each other challenges due to everyone being in charge of something different. so everyone is in charge of something that the other two are not. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check spelling and capitalization.)

  17. I selected the line “the judge from the supreme court can say no to any law that seems out of sorts.” This line demonstrates the fact that even if congress creates a law, it has to be run by the court and the president before it can be passed. It shows that the branches of government have equal power, and balance each other out.

  18. My favorite line was when they said who’s in charge of our country that is so fast and large. This line proves that not only one branch of the government has all the power. It proves that all branches of the government have the same amount of power.

  19. I selected the lyric “The prez tops the other two.” I selected this because, the president is the highest branch. I think this because, the president can veto the bill that congress made if he doesn’t agree with them.

  20. I selected the lyric (Supreme Court gets rid of any law that seems out of sort) because i like the Supreme Court. The meaning of this is that the Supreme Court can deny laws that don’t make sense or aren’t beneficial.(Teacher note: Don’t forget to check capitalization.)

  21. “In the USA the power is broken up into not one, not two, but three branches.” I think this is one of the most informative line because you have to know how many different branches there are and then it also helps to balance out all of the power.

  22. I selected the lyric “The Pres can take any bill that the congress wrote up, but can veto that bill and say wait, hold up!” The meaning of this lyric is to show that the President has the most power because he can make decisions for all the other branches. The president can make any decision over the congress and the supreme court and can backfire their decisions. They need the other branches to be success, but this shows that the president has tons of power.

  23. “The president… can veto an bill or pick supreme justice.” That quote was one of my favorite lines. It was one of my favorite since I will always remember the lines since it was so catchy and easily gets stuck in my head. It means that the president is in charge of approving bills and chooses the people in the supreme court.

  24. My selection was ” The president has the choice to select who works at the Supreme Court Justice.” I like this quote because it shows that the President has power to select who becomes a judge in the Supreme court.

  25. I selected the line or lyric “He can take any bill that congress wrote up and veto it and say hold up.”

    This means that when the president doesn’t like a bill or law that the congress voted yes for, he can say no. When he says no, then it doesn’t pass automatically. HIs say makes the law or bill pass or not.

  26. I selected the lyric “Who’s got the power?”. I personally really like this line because it really does confuse me and it is true, not a lot of people know who truly has the overall power. I have always had trouble trying to figure out who actually has the power. The question means that people can get confused because the are 3 branches of government, and each of them have different powers over each other. Basically they all cancel each other out in different ways.

  27. I selected “congress is the branch that is mighty strong” it means that they have a lot of power. They can impeach the judge and they can make laws.

  28. i selected the sentence whos got the power, whos got the power . This is my favorite sentance because it tells you that everyone is equal. they also said the sentance the most. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check spelling and capitalization.)

  29. I selected the line Congress and capital because they make the laws and make the bills. This is important because they need to make laws in order to pass the laws and protect our community. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to include your class period.)

  30. I selected the lyric “Congress in Capital Hill makes the laws and the bills”. I think this lyric means that congress writes up all of the laws and the bills. I think they write up the drafts of the laws or bills then takes them to the president to get them checked. Then when they are done they have a vote to see if the law will pass. However, it all starts in congress.

  31. I selected the lyric “He can veto that bill to say HOLD UP”. It means the president is able to veto or deny a bill he doesn’t like.

  32. I selected the phrase, “So now tell me who has the power of this country so fast in large.” I chose these lyrics because it really does make sense. Our country is so large and big, which is why many people have different views when it comes to who has the most power.

  33. I think the most important lyric is”1-2-3 Branches” because it shows that each branch has its own amount of power.

  34. “Who’s got the power, tell me who’s in charge of this country that’s so vast and large.” This is my favorite lyric because it shows that this country is big and which of the three branches have the most power out of all the branches.

  35. “Who’s got all the power tell me who’s in charge, of this country so vast and large.” I thought this was important because it shows a big country like this needs a good, strong government with someone in charge.

  36. My favorite lyric was that there was “not 1, not 2, but 3 branches of power.”
    that means that there are already 3 branches of power: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

  37. “1,2,3 branches, who’s got the power,who’s got the power.” is my favorite lyric because it tells us that everyone is the same No one runs another. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.)

  38. my favorite stanza is ¨supreme court gets rid of any laws out of sort¨ this is my favorite stanza because it explains the supreme courts job and what they do with the laws of our country. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check punctuation and capitalization.)

  39. I think the most powerful lyrics is “1,2,3 branches! who’s got the power oh who’s got the power” I think that this is the most powerful lyrics because its one of the most common things said and doesn’t lean towards either side.

  40. My favorite lyric was that “There’s not 1, not 2 but 3 branches of power.” This means that there are three branches of government that all have different kinds of power that make the country run smooth.

  41. “one, two, three branches , who’s got the power, who’s got the power.” Which is saying that the three branches work together to make the country a better place. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check capitalization.)

  42. “When hired in the Supreme Court you serve until you die or retire.” This explains that once you work in the Supreme Court you keep on working there until you either die or retire unlike the President. (Teacher note: Don’t forget to include your class period.)

  43. Also the quote is (1 2 3 Branches whose got the power whose got the power) (Teacher note: Don’t forget to check punctuation.)

  44. My favorite lyric from the song is “One, two, three branches, whose got the power, whose got the power” because it shows that the three branches each have equal power and are all important to the country.

  45. This video was pretty cool. My favorite line was “Tell me, who’s in charge, of this country that’s so vastly large.”, because it shows the confusion that most people have when it comes to the three branches. It also references not only the immense SIZE of the U.S, but its worrying amount of power compared to other countries, settling its place as the democratic powerhouse of the world.

  46. I chose “The president who lives in the White House to make sure the laws are carried out.” I chose this lyric because the president is in charge of keeping the country in order and make sure the laws are being followed, but he is not the only one in charge there are also three branches of government.

  47. My favorite lyric was ” It’s the president in the white house making sure the laws are carried out! ” This means that the president makes sure all the laws are being followed.

  48. I chose the lyric, “Congress can vote again and pass it still.” This lyric stuck out to me because the president just can’t veto anything Congress puts forward. Congress can then veto the president’s veto so it shows that everyone shares the power in US government.

  49. “The Supreme Court makes the laws, decides rules, and has the final say”. I think that this is the most important lyric to me, because it is important to have the Supreme Court. If we didn’t have them, the President and The Congress would be arguing and a choice wouldn’t be made. Also, The Supreme Court makes the law, and without laws, the country would go to anarchy. (Teacher note: The Supreme Court doesn’t make laws. Don’t forget first names only.)

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