Students, staff, and judges have viewed the PSAs over a 5 day period and we love what you’ve done 8th graders! Congratulations on your hard work! We are proud that you’ve become true advocates for your causes! A pd: The Nominees Are… Best PSA: Luke, Evan, & Gabby Best Sound Track: Luke, Talli, Danny Best Read More…
Tag: service learning
Fight the Colonel
Matt in pd C created this PSA about KFC’s chicken cruelty. This was one of the judge’s favorites! Good job Matt! Student Work Sample:PSA KFC Chicken Cruelty View more presentations from social studies .
Public Service Announcements
This emotional appeal to end the seal hunt was created by Rob in pd C as part of his Service Learning project. Leave a comment and let us know what you think. UNDER CONSTRUCTION…Will add updated version of PSA soon.
YOU Control How Much Ice Melts
Please view and comment on this OUTSTANDING PSA created by Brian in pd D. The Ad Council should use this in a national campaign to educate others about global warming:)