We are comparing and contrasting the Lion King with Lord of the Flies while focusing on the following: State of Nature, Natural Rights, Absolute Power, Consent, Conscience, Social Contract As we continue our study of the Roots of our Republic, view the clips again and use the HOM: Apply Past Knowledge to New Situations. We Read More…
Tag: lion king
He LiVeS iN YoU – RaiFiCKi
Can citizens expect RIGHTS without assuming RESPONSIBILITIES? EXTRA CREDIT: Respond to the question above or share your connections & pop culture by posting a comment. Last week we began our study of the RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES Students made connections to modern day scenarios and explored similarities & differences between historical, fictitious, and present day MODELS Read More…
S Ta Te oF Na Tu Re
This week we continue our study of the Roots of our Republic and Applying Knowledge to New Situations. We viewed the scene from The Lion King that depicts Mufasa’s death. Respond to the following question by leaving a comment or respond to a previous comment to get a discussion going. How does this scene depict Read More…