WHicH RiGHt iS RiGHt?

Our class studied several documents that limit the power of a government and protect people’s natural rights. Please post a comment making a connection to one of our previous lessons (hint: remember King John, “Taxes, Taxes!”)
On December 10th, 1948, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified by the United Nations. Please view our short Historical Scene Investigation and use the UDHR to determine WHICH RIGHT IS RIGHT by viewing the Human Rights Videos on our vodpod widget.

10 thoughts on “WHicH RiGHt iS RiGHt?

  1. PopCulture:
    On Law and Order there was a case where a man had a mental disability (I think it was Down syndrome)and always liked to play at the park where other kids played. This was because the disability made him act like a kid when he was actually in his 30s. A parent complained about him playing with her children and he was sent to court for being a pedifile. The judge took a look at him, and underminding his disability, was ordered as a pedifile and to never be around children again. This is unjust punishment because the judge shouldn’t have done this due to the man’s disability.

  2. This encouraged me to take a stand because I felt compassion toward the victims in these videos.

  3. I liked the one with the man trapped in the jail, it seemed real the way it was done and it actually made me rather sad.

  4. Hi Jakob, I am happy to see you posted this comment like we discussed in class. Sharing your knowledge with others helps further our classroom learning, Well done! Which UDHR video was your favorite?

  5. The right we thought was the most effective was the one with Nick. We think this was very powerful because the right to property is very important. The video was very strong and showed that it is not hard to enforce this right.

  6. I agree with Alyssa. The right we watched when they discriminated the little boy was the stringest to me because the made the assumption since he was little he wasn’t powerful. He definitely proved them wrong. Just because people are small in size, doesn’t mean they aren’t as powerful as someone twice their size.

  7. I thought the right with the kid with the soccer ball was powerful because it shows people not to discriminate people on their size, religion, beliefs, race, etc. I think it showed a good example of article 2 which was freedom of discrimination.

  8. Hi Mrs. Ratzel,

    Yes, she is one of my personal heroes! Her resiliency is commendable and she truly was a model of civic responsibility. Her quotes are succinct and powerful! Today, we watched her speech to the UN on the UDHR and many students thought (me too) she sounds like Professor McGonagall from Harry Potter. Tricia will respond to your response from yesterday about the quiz. It is pretty simple to use, save and edit the quizzes. I set up 1 account for the class and the students may use it for the Study Tool for tests. Once students finish their quiz I receive an email notification and can review their work and make recommendations. Quizrevolution/mystudiyo has some visual noise and I prefer Polldaddy, animoto, or zooburst. I also want to try quizlet.
    What digital tools do you and your students enjoy?

  9. I’m guessing Eleanor Roosevelt is the woman from your PPT. She did amazing work while she was first lady but I’ll definitely agree that her more important work was with the UN. Most people don’t even know that she did this and I think it’s one of the reasons I admire her the most.

    That and she is the author of a quote I learned years ago which has helped me in lots of tough situations. It’s very famous but certainly worth repeating. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”

    Don’t you love it.

    Mrs. R

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