The first 2 activities will provide you with the background knowledge for our CSI.  If you interact during the activities your Active Listening and Literacy Skills (comprehension, interpret/analyze text and images) will improve.

1) BrainPop Queen Elizabeth I and ActiVote Quiz Game! Click on the image of the Battle of the Spanish Armada to view the video. 


2) CRAB WALK THROUGH ROANOKE – CLICK HERE for the GOOGLE DOC. If you are in class click on the iBooks App on your iPad.

3) CSI: The Lost Colony


1) CSI Conclusions Chart

2) BrainPop Pocahontas video clip and ActiVote Quiz Game – This will be a CLASS WAR!  CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO WATCH THE VIDEO.

      First: Preview the Comic Images and Timeline in top right.
      Second: Preview the Questions
      Last: Read for a purpose by recording responses as you read OR do a quick read through and go back and respond to questions

***CULTURE SHOCK VOLUNTEERS: bring in items tomorrow so we can party like it’s 1607
COLONIAL CULTURE SHOCK and Blog Birthday Party!


2) JAMESTOWN TIMELINE / CHOOSE YOUR OWN APP (CYOA):  Choose 6-9 Events from the timeline to create a product using an App of your choice. * Puppet Pals will only be an option if a script is written and approved. (Ms. D note: if time allows we will complete this activity)

The 1st English Settlement of Jamestown

After the Lost Colony of Roanoke, the English did not give up on the New World. Raw materials, trade, silver, gold, and spreading their faith motivated them to persist through many obstacles. Jamestown, founded in 1607, was the first permanent English settlement in the New World. Life was not easy for the settlers. In fact, many people lost their lives to disease and starvation. Native American society was negatively impacted by English encroachment onto their lands. Hostile relations soon erupted. Let’s not forget that slavery in the colonies started in Jamestown. We hope to take a bird’s eye view and look at multiple sides of the story (POV).

The Class of 2011 laughed…

When Tim (Cole’s brother),C pd, shared his interactive response to the prompt: Name a Deli Sandwich about the Starving Time in Jamestown during the winter of 1609-1610. His deli sandwich was “You Are What You Eat on Rye.” Do you know why?

Our interactive responses help us to learn and apply the content by “making it stick.”

EXTRA CREDIT: What were some of your favorite interactive responses from the SMACKDOWN? Leave us a comment.


18 thoughts on “IF aT FiRST YoU DoN’T SuCCEed…

  1. Hi Taylor,
    There are only 2 parts to the Venn. As stated in the directions find the PUSH/PULL factors for each settlement. What did you find for PUSH/PULL factors for each settlement? Once you fact find you should see the similarities and differences. For example, what PUSHED the Pilgrims to leave England? What PULLED them to settle in North America? The 2nd part = Interaction with Native Americans. What handouts did you read through to summarize the relationship between Natives and Settlers? Look for key words as you read and HIGHLIGHT: “PUSH/PULL Factors, Native Americans (all proper names like Pocahontas) and settlers/colonists.” Take your time and don’t rush through. All info is in the packet.

  2. Hi Ms. DiGangi,
    I am doing the study guide and I cant find the correct answers to go in the Venn Diagram. I tried to use the post- it method for finding answers but I can’t find this one. I looked at the Crab Walks, Jamestown, and PLymouth pages but I don’t exactly know what I’m looking for. Also, I was looking for something that had to do with simalarities between Jamestown, Plymouth and Roanoake but again, I couldn’t find it.

  3. Hi Veronica,
    BrainPop is available for students everyday until 5:30 PM. The video was only the icing on the cake and you will not have any points deducted. It will not be on the test. Thank you for asking for clarification. 🙂

  4. Hi Katie,
    Yes…Also include the similarities and differences in PUSH/PULL factors. It’s great that you are seeking clarification. I know you will do well. 🙂

  5. Ms D.,
    On the study guide, numbers 10-12, is the question asking us how the different settlements were alike and different in the way that they treated the Native Americans?

  6. Hi Mrs. D! I wanted to finish the BrainPop video we did in class, but the account only lasts school hours. I hope that I wont get any points off because I thought it was HW. Thanks!

  7. Hi McKenna,
    You can choose anything from previous CYOAs if that will work for you. What are you thinking?

  8. Hi mrs.digangi!
    im unsure if im posting this in the right spot but i broke out my review to do and remebered you mentioned somthing about doing a CYOA if we preffered? i was just wondering what the choices were. thanks!

  9. Hi Ms. DiGangi. OK, so i have two things to say. my mom is speaking at Cherokee soon and she will be talking about why she ran for the School Board. It has to do with the Women Voters Confirmation, or something.
    and also, the following links have to do with an article in the huffington post about womens rights.

    http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/22/march-22-1972-equal-right-admendment-for-women-passed-bycongress/Richard Hanna, GOP Congressman, Tells Women To Give Their Money To Democrats

    hopefully they work:)


  10. I know that you always show us videos, and songs so I just wanted to tell you what you remind me of.
    Musical Doodle (Spongebob) – YouTube
    1 min – Nov 9, 2011 – Uploaded by akatsukiiie
    So just listen now to my musical doodle … Now you’re infected by the musical doodle. Doo …

  11. Hey Ms D! I counted up the comments on the second birthday blog post like you asked. If you just counted the past students post a period wins with 2 posts, E period with 1, and C, D, and U all with 0. But, if you counted up all the comments-including about the Culture Shock and just saying happy birthday it turns out like-
    A period- 7 (counting posts without period indication)

  12. Hi Ms. D, I have a connection for what we were learning in class today to “The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel” book series. In the fifth book of the series (“The Warlock”), Virginia Dare was a reoccuring character, just like she was in the fourth book, “The Necromancer”. The author, Michael Scott, uses several historical figures throughout the book series. However, while reaading the books I did not know of her importance to American history. So I read a small article online about her to gain further understanding. Now after learning a little more about her in class, it actually helps me understand her character in the books better.

  13. Hey Ms.D, i was just on the internet looking at good psa’s on youtube. I found a remarkable one, that i think you would enjoy. It starts out with a group of people from the hope for paws organization finding a blind dog in a dumpster, 100% blind. Luckily it has a happy ending, enjoy!

  14. Hi mrs djgiandi I think I’m goin to watch videos that teach me what were learning bout because I find it easier to study

  15. hey mrs d,
    i was trying to get something on the computer while i was on youtube and it brought up disney movies so i was looking at them. when i was scrolling down i saw the movie pocahontas so i clicked on it! then the song the colors of the wind came on and it reminded me of what we read in class in the packet and what you were talking to us about it!

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