Digital Citizenship

The Internet has a global audience and online safety is of the utmost importance. Through blogging and use of web 2.0 tools, you will practice digital citizenship in an authentic and supervised setting. Today and tomorrow we will practice digital citizenship and online safety. Please use the resources in the Livebinder to review today’s lesson.


The following Public Service Announcement shows 4 teens in a kitchen.
What is the message of this PSA?

HOMEWORK DIRECTIONS: Respond to the following QUESTION by posting a comment:


How will you use the class website this school year? Provide specific examples. 

  • Please check your work before you click post: 
  • Did you use complete sentences?
  • Did you spell check?
  • Did you answer the question? 

Tim and Moby from BrainPOPClick on BRAINPOP to watch the videos, “Online Safety” and “Cyberbullying.”

169 thoughts on “Digital Citizenship

  1. This school year I will use the class website to see what I missed if I was absent. I will also use the website to see what we are learning in class. I will use this website a lot this year because it is very informational.

  2. This school year I will be using the class website for a lot of things. For example, one day I am absent and I want to know If I missed any homework or class work, so I would check the live binders for say a worksheet that is due for homework, print it out and complete the assignment and have it ready for class the next day. Another example would be for say an extra credit opportunity by posting on the blog about a pop culture connection (something from outside of school that was relatable to say a class discussion or even something we learned about). Having a resource such as the class website is amazing, and I will be sure to put it to good use! (Teacher note: Clear use of Quality Commenting Guidelines! Well done!)

  3. I will try to use the website as much as I can this year. I can check homework and and find out dates of tests and quizzes. The website will help me study and have a excellent 8th grade year!

  4. This year i am going to use the class website frequently. If i forget my homework in my locker or i am absent i will just look through the website so i dont miss anything. I can also look ahead of the homework schedule so i can plan it ahead of time. This website is going to be a lot of help this year. (Teacher note: Follow the Quality Comments Guidelines and check punctuation and capitalization.)

  5. I will use the class blog a lot this year. When I am absent I will check the blog, and see what i missed. I will also see quiz and test dates. With the blog i think i will have a very successful year. (Teacher note: Follow the Quality Comments Guidelines and check capitalization.)

  6. This year I will be using the class website a lot. Reason being, it is so easy to open and deal with that if I need help with anything I know I can count on the website to help me out. Also the website is great because not only can you get extra credit in class, but you can also get a lot of extra credit on the website. In conclusion, this website is a great opportunity for me to learn responsibility and have a great and successful school year.

  7. I will continuously use this website this year. I will visit it to check homework in case i forget to write it down and look over topics we discussed In class. I hope to use this site to have a fun and successful year (Teacher note: Follow the Quality Comments Guidelines and check spelling and capitalization. First names only and class period. I deleted the initial for your last name.)

  8. I will use the conch website to further my studying capabilities. On more than one occasion, I have found myself forgetting my notes at school, and the live binders can always substitute for my real notes. The website also contains multiple educational videos, which I plan on utilizing.

  9. I will use the class website numerous times this year. For homework, and also to catch up or see what we will be doing in class. The website will also be helpful if you forgot your folder and had an upcoming test then you would still be able to study, plus parents will always be aware of what we are doing in class.

  10. This year in class we can and will use this website to help out with homework. It can tell us an assimengnt that we may have left at school. It can get us extra credit. Also. We will use it in class to help learn lessons (Teacher note: Follow the Quality Comments Guidelines and check spelling, punctuation and capitalization. Don’t forget to include your class period.)

  11. I will use the class website this school year to prepare for high school. For example, I will learn to be better organized, learn to research, and know the information I will need for future references. This will help my experience reach its highest potential. That is my idea of using the clas blog. I have already added this website to my homescreen and all school related sites. This will really come in handy in the future.

  12. This year I will be using the Conch almost daily. I already added it my homescreen so it is always easily accessed. The Conch will come in handy whenever I need to re-watch videos, reveiw notes, catch up on missed work, study for test or basically anything related to social studies. I am so glad social studies has such a great, handy website always accessible to me and my peers and I cannot wait to use it even more than I already do!

  13. I’ll use this site for a lot of things. The homework calendar will be what I use the most. I’m rather forgetful, so being able to see all of the assignments and when they are due will be very helpful.

  14. The message of the PSA was to stop cyber-bulling. If you said something rude it would hurt someone’s feelings like when the bully called the victim a zit-face and made fun of her mom. At the end of the PSA it said if you wouldn’t in person, why say it online. Delete cyber-bulling.

  15. I will use this website this year to mostly help me study. As well as use it when I missed any HW or classwork I need to get done. I would also use the website to look over notes, and any assignments that are coming up.

  16. The message of PSA is don’t say anything on the Internet that you wouldn’t say in real life. The girl was being extremely mean to the other girl. If you would not said to the person or groups you should not say it online. (Teacher note: Read posts and directions carefully. This wasn’t the homework.)

  17. I will utilize this website to gain information on the topics we are studying. When I need help with a question, I will definitely come here! If I ever lose homework (which will hopefully never happen) I will print it out using the pages in the live binders!

  18. I will use the class website this year for homework and classwork. If I am absent or forget my folder, I can use the lab binder to see what I missed and to do my homework. I could also use the class website by watching the videos we saw in class and see what we learned. This could help me understand what we learned better and also help me study. If I feel I am not prepared for test or quiz, I can easily access this website. These are the reasons of why I will use this website.

  19. This year I believe I can use the website for numerous helpful ways. One ways can use it is if I need to check the date of a test or quiz. Using the conch I will always know when to study for any upcoming event. Another way I can use the conch is if I forget what homework I have to do or if I am absent. I could just go on to the conch to see what I have to do and I will be prepared for the next day. One last thing I will use the website for is if I need to further study on a topic. If I’m a bit shaky on a topic I could go to the conch and get some extra help here. As you can see I will be using the website a lot this year and I will never forget about it.

  20. I will use the conch this year for many things. One thing I will do is check the homework and agenda section whenever I’m absent so I’m never behind. Another thing I will use the conch for is to clarify anything I didn’t understand during class lessons. The final thing I will use this website for is to get any papers I misplace or loose off the live binders and keep up with the rest of the class. These are just three things I will do on this website I still plan to do more then just these.

  21. I would use this website. It is very useful, there are a lot of resource. I would is for to see what homework I have and catch up if I was behind .
    I could easily study for my test or quiz. The website very good preperation (Teacher note: Use the Quality Comments Guidelines and check spelling and punctuation before you post.)

  22. I will use The Conch in many ways this year. I can increase my learning by reading the articles and watching the videos. I can get my homework assignments and get worksheets from LiveBinder. I will also like reading the posts from the other kids in my class. There is a lot we can do on the computer and I like learning this way. These are just some of the ways I will use The Conch. (Teacher note: Well done! Don’t forget to follow the online safety guidelines. First names only – We deleted your last initial.)

  23. I think the conch will be helpful throughout the year. The website updates what homework and classwork in the live binder. I sometimes may forget, so it will be very helpful.

  24. This school year I will use the class website to study and check my homework. If I forget any papers I can use the website to view them. If I forget my agenda book I can easily see what I had to do for homework. I will also use the website to gain extra credit for use in class.

  25. I know for me I will use this blog a lot to find notes that I could study from. It would be easier for me and other people when this notes are pointed out, and easy to find. Which they are on here. (Teacher note: Use the Quality Comments Guidelines and use complete sentences. Don’t forget to add your class period before you post.)

  26. I will use the class website a lot this year for many different things. I think it will be very helpful to me for seeing when things are due and what our homework is. Also I can see when there are tests and quizzes and be able to watch videos that we watched in class again. Using the website this year will help me succeed throughout the year.

  27. This year I will use this website a lot. I can use the class website to study, do homework and much more. I can easily find anything that I missed if I was absent on the homework/agenda tab. I think this website will be very useful during the remainder of the school year.

  28. I will be using this website a lot especially because it has the notes and a review of what we did on a certain day. This website will also give me the chance to do other things and watch other Videos. Lastly, extra credit is available all over the website. I am very excited for this year and feel this website will be a big help!

  29. I would use this website to help me study and i could always look back at this website in high school. I could also go on it to check for any homework that i missed or just to check. To watch more videos just to understand it more,and be able to think about it. (Teacher note: Use the Quality Comments Guidelines. Check capitalization and use complete sentences.)

  30. I think the website will be very helpful to me throughout the year. I will use the website to keep on top of homework and projects this year. Also to re-watch the videos we watched in class and to use the resources on the website to help me study.

  31. Homework:
    This school year we are going to be using the class website. When you are going to write a comment you have to follow these steps. First you have to look for questions, prompts or topics to discuss. Then scroll down to post a comment. Enter your first name, class period and e-mail then began to write your comment. You have to remember to always use correct spelling and punctuation while writing your comments.Also, make sure you don’t reveal any personal information about yourself. This is how to post a comment on the social studies website.

  32. I will use this class website in many diffrent ways. One way is to get extra credit, I will use the extra credit to my advantage to hire my grade and help me succeed. I will also use this class website to see our week and what’s to come using the live binder. Those are some of the ways I will use this website to my advantage

  33. I will use this website in the future to study, learn more and to do homework. I can study from this, by reading over work that we have done that day and reviewing it. I can do home work by finding my assignments on the site. And lastly I can learn more by reading on different topics that are provided on this website.

  34. I will use the class website a lot this year. I will use it to find out what the homework or project is. I will also use it to find out when homework and projects are due.

  35. This school year I will use this website to locate the home work and class work. If I missed any assiments I will go to the calendar and check there. (Ms. D note: Be sure to follow the “Quality Comments” guidelines and use 3 sentences minimum.)

  36. I will use this class blogging website for many things this year. One of my plans would be to check the live binder or comment on the blogs for questions. If I continue to do this throughout the year most likley it will raise my grade in social studies.

  37. I will use the class website this school year for when I need to know something for important for school. For example, if I get told that I need to know more about cyber bullying, for school, I could go to The Conch since I know it’s there. This is because we learned about it in class. (Teacher note: Use the Online Safety Guidelines: First names only. Include your class period. We deleted your last name.)

  38. I will use this website to find out homework directions or just homework in general if I forget my agenda book in school. I’m going to use it to my advantage just so I don’t mess up this year in my grades for this class. I’m going to go on this website 2 times every week to stay on track with my work!

  39. I would use this wedsite to get my missed work. I would also use this to check my home work if i didnt write it down. I would also go on livebinder just in case or if i didnt bring a important paper (Teacher note: Use the Quality Comments Guidelines. Check punctuation, capitalization and include your class period before you post.)

  40. I will use the class website to keep track of what we learn. If I miss an assignment, I’ll know to come here. I can also catch up on missed posts.

  41. I think this website will be very helpful to me through out this year. I will use it to be able to check when homework is due, dates of tests or quizzes, to get notes I may of missed and much more. By doing these things and going on this website regularly I think I will have a very successful year!

  42. This year I plan to use the school website to study. This website has a lot of information that will be valuable on test and quizzes. I will also use it to check my work to make sure all my facts are correct.

  43. I will use this website to help me if I have any questions about the work we did that day. And maybe if I need extra help on a question I ask this blog and people can give me answers (Teacher note: Use the Quality Comments Guidelines. Check punctuation, capitalization and write a minimum of 3 sentences before you post.)

  44. I will use this website throughout the school year to help me become a better student. I can go on to see any homework I’ve missed if I’m absent, or I can review notes if I need to study. I know this website will come in handy in the near future and I’m happy it’s available for use; you never know when you’ll fall ill, or forget to bring homework home.

  45. I will use the class website to keep on top of my homework. I tend to have a habit of losing my homework after I do it. The class website’s livebinder will allow me to print out a new page to do.

  46. This year I will use the class website, The, multiple times. My class mates and I will use the website as a reference source when we are confused at home and do not have a teacher to answer our questions. We will also use it to post videos, comment on videos, and answer to our homework assignments (as I am doing while typing this post.) Clearly this website is going to be useful and it will be used for so many things. It’s a great way to get things done the EASY way (online) (Teacher note: Use the Quality Comments Guidelines. Check punctuation and add your class period before you post. Also, check the website address. )

  47. I will use this website to help me study. This website also tell what HW we have so I could use it for that. I will definitely use this website for studying and for using it for recourses .(Ms. D note: Be sure to follow the “Quality Comments” guidelines. First names only. I deleted your last name.)

  48. this website will help me in a lot of ways sort of if i forgot my homework or forget what it is i can go and check it out on the calendar. I will never hopefully turn in no home work at all when i can just look it up on the calendar. (Teacher note: Follow the Quality Comments Guidelines and check capitalization.)

  49. I will use the class website this year to help me keep up with my studies. The class website will help me look at all the homework assignments, and if I didn’t understand what we were doing in class, I can look over it from the website. I can do this by going to the homepage, and scrolling down to the first box which will show me what we did in class that day.

  50. I can’t wait to go to class tomorrow. It’s so much fun and I love Mrs. DiGangi! It is by far, my favorite class!

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