8GT Expo 2021

During their Law Unit, our 8th-grade students in the Gifted and Talented program studied Landmark Supreme Court Cases focusing on Student Rights. Students prepared for their Moot Court by drafting oral arguments. Both Blue and Yellow House students took on the role of attorneys and Supreme Court justices. Watch their culminating project below. Yellow House Read More…

6BH GT Expo

Students in 6BH and 6YH collaborated to organize, plan, gain permission, and eventually, we will plant a Monarch Butterfly Waystation at Marlton Middle School. This is the location, 150 square feet, that was approved by our principal, the head of Buildings and Grounds, and our Business Administrator. Laurel Oaks is also donating the majority of Read More…

6Y GT Expo 2021

Students in 6BH and 6YH collaborated to organize, plan, gain permission, and eventually, we will plant a Monarch Butterfly Waystation at Marlton Middle School. This is the location, 150 square feet, that was approved by our principal, the head of Buildings and Grounds, and our Business Administrator. Laurel Oaks is also donating the majority of Read More…

RES GT Expo 2021

Third-grade students in the Gifted and Talented program studied invasive species and took on the role of engineers by developing a problem-solving mindset. Many invasive species can be found in the United States. Some are exclusive to particular areas, while some are more widespread. Students studied the cane toad, an invasive species in Australia and Read More…

7GT Expo 2021

This year, students in seventh grade Gifted and Talented studied the United Nation’s Global Goals for Sustainable Development. As a result, 17 students across Yellow and Blue Houses formed a team to create a project that would also become their 20% Time Project. Inspired by Urban Creators, an urban farming organization using hydroponics in North Read More…

JES GT Expo 2021

Third-grade students in the Gifted and Talented program studied invasive species and took on the role of engineers by developing a problem-solving mindset. Many invasive species can be found in the United States. Some are exclusive to particular areas, while some are more widespread. Students studied the cane toad, an invasive species in Australia and Read More…

MES GT Expo 2021

Third-grade students in the Gifted and Talented program studied invasive species and took on the role of engineers by developing a problem-solving mindset. Many invasive species can be found in the United States. Some are exclusive to particular areas, while some are more widespread. Students studied the cane toad, an invasive species in Australia and Read More…

Welcome to the 2nd Virtual GT Expo 2021

While our traditional Gifted and Talented Expo could not occur again this year, our GT students found creative ways to showcase their talent. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize their accomplishments and encourage you to take a moment to enjoy their showcase! The Home Page has all of the students organized by Read More…